Depression Glass Links
Depression Glass Mega Show Lot's of information and activities concerning depression glass. Includes a great search engine of dealers and a chat board.
Depression Glass Net Information on glassware, collectors clubs, shops, books and magazines and other resources for the depression glass collector.
E-Bay Glassware A great place to find all sorts of collectable and any other item for sale. If you're patient you can still sometimes get good deals, and usually get items at a fair price.
National Depression Glass Association Information on collecting depression glass and how to collect it.
Suzie Max Guide to Glassware A nice site with a great deal of information about depression glass, elegant glassware and glassware of the 40's. 50's and 60's. There's also a nice page with a large list of patterns, each with it's own page identified with a photo.
Wikipedia Depression Glass Brief information on Depression and Elegant Glassware with a list of manufacturers.

Pink Depression Glass | Pink Princess Depression Glass | Modern Pink Glass | Depression Glass Links